Hello friends! πŸ‘‹ In this article, we will talk about how to delete your organization in Worktivity. Firstly, we are sorry to hear that you want to delete your organization. However, if you have made this decision and need help, you are in the right place. 🀝

Hello friends! πŸ‘‹

In this article, we will talk about how to delete your organization in Worktivity. Firstly, we are sorry to hear that you want to delete your organization. However, if you have made this decision and need help, you are in the right place. 🀝

1. Go to useworktivity.com and click on the "settings" section under the "organization" heading in the left menu.

2. Click on the "delete organization" button at the bottom of the page that appears. πŸ”


3. In this section, you need to provide your account password and the reason why you want to delete your organization. After that, you can delete your organization. πŸš€


If you want to learn how to delete your account, you can click here to access our relevant article. πŸ’‘

See you in our next article! πŸ“

Best regards,

Worktivity Team ❀️